A Counselor For Preparation Towards Ascension
He has a Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology and is also a licensed marriage, family and child counselor in Los Angeles, CA. On a spiritual level, he currently anchors the Los Angeles ashram of Djwhal Khul, Lord Maitreya, and Melchizedek, and is founder of the Center for Ascension in the Light.
Here some postings I collected from the net (sev. mailing-lists) of excerpts of his writings:
His serie of books on Ascension are The Complete Ascension Manual (I), Soul Psychology (II), Beyond Ascension (III), Hidden Mysteries (IV), The Ascended Masters Light the Way (V), Revelations of a Melchizedek Initiate (VI), How to Clear the Negative Ego (VII), Cosmic Ascension (VIII).
Volume I-V are now available in bookstores, the others will be published soon (status Dec 1995). You may reach Joshua David Stone at 5252 Coldwater Canyon, # 112, Van Nuys, CA 91410, USA - Phone (818) 769-1181
I recommend especially Vol I & IV of his serie, as it gives indeed a very good overview of the entire Ascension Movement and associated groups and their teachings.
He is organizing the Wesak Celebration at Mt. Shasta (CA, USA) May 3-6 1996.